Crdroid custom ROM is based on CyanogenMod with some extra new features which comes useful.
Marshmallow 6.0 Crdroid custom ROM features:
- Volume panel timeout
- Slim recents panel
- Clear recents location
- Lock app on recents panel
- SlimRoms Heads up (with snooze time, timeout, touch to hide and swipe behavior)
- SlimRoms custom lockscreen shortcuts
- SlimDim
- Ticker notifications
- Navbar on/off
- Hardare keys on/off (in devices supported)
- Power menu in navring targets
- SlimPie controls with all working
- Sound panel option om power menu
- Superuser indicator (Notification, Statusbar icon or no indicator)
- Force expanded notifications on expanded statusbar
- Power menu and notifications tiles
- Four tiles per row
- Disable quick settings on secure lockscreen
- CAF task manager
- Ambient display with a bunch of options
- ADBlocker
- System apps remover
- SELinux switch
- Network traffic meter
- RAM bar in recents panel
- Battery saver enhancements
- Non intrusive incoming call
- Option to disable battery saver orange bars
- Touch outside behavior
Didn’t know the forum rules allowed such brlanilit posts.